SDS2 Toolbox

PypeServer Connect
PypeServer Connect is a powerful SDS2 plugin that takes the hassle out of pipe profiling by streamlining the selection, data validation, and transmission of SDS2 designs from your detailing office to the industry’s top pipe profiling machines and other tools.
PypeServer Connect for SDS2 makes it easy to send handrail, round bar, angle iron, and other materials from your model to production while minimizing the need for manual work. Connect allows you to select members you wish to export from SDS2 and neatly packages all the required metadata needed for production which it sends via PypeServer's Cloud to a wide range of supported tools, including pipe profilers from Lincoln Electric, HGG, and Lone Star Cutting Solutions, as well as manual tools and automated positioners and saws from TigerStop, RazorGage, Scotchman, and Kentucky Gauge.